Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The first one. The trip starts July!

How it begins- A One Year Challenge!

Hello, this is Renee Marienne! I considered myself fat since I was a kid, although for most of my life  I never really was. Now, having only 5 kg left to the terrifying 100 kg, I finally feel this is the time I MUST do something with this terrible state my body's in. A total lack of any kind of exercise plus tons of sweets eaten plus hundreds of beer drank within a few months changed my not impressing body into a pitiful dollop of fat. When I look into the mirror, I concentrate only on my eyes that kept a bit of my former charm. But photos don't lie. I really want to get my body back and become even more fit. The first of July will be the beginning of my one year trip to change my body. May the results and strong will to be fit stay with me forever!

Old weight: 66 kg

Weight now: 95 kg

The goal: 55 kg

Note: the goal is the ideal weight I would like to get to in some point in a future. I realize it will probably take much longer than just one year. The point of a One Year Challenge is to see how much is it possible to achieve in one year, both cutting down the calories to a reasonable level and doing regular exercise.

So, who's with me? :)

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